SC Agriculture, Environmental Affairs and Development Planning


1. Opening and welcome

2. Briefing by the Department of Environmental Affairs and Development Planning and CapeNature on its First QuarterPerformance (April – June 2023) with specific reference to performance targets that were not achieved and/or partially achieved

3.   Briefing by the Department of Agriculture and Casidra on its First Quarter Performance (April – June 2023) with specific reference to performance targets that were not achieved and/or partially achieved

4.    Briefing by the Department of Agriculture and Casidra on the status of the turnaround strategies for the Amalienstein and Waaikraal farms with specific reference to the previous turnaround strategies that were funded by the Department, when the last turnaround strategy was commissioned, where the challenges exist and the difference of opinion that seemingly exists between the Department and its entity, Casidra

5.     Resolutions/Actions

6.     Consideration and adoption of Draft Committee:

6.1   Minutes of 20 June 2023

6.2   Quarterly Report (April – June 2023)

6.3   Tracking Document as at 25 July 2023

6.4   Business Plan as at 25 July 2023

7.     General

8.     Closing

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Tuesday, July 25, 2023
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Type of event: 
09:00 - 12:00
Event Time Confirmation: 
Event Venue: 
Virtual Meeting via MS Teams