
Budget Committee

1. Welcome

2. Consideration and adoption of the draft Committee Report on the Final Mandate on the Division of Revenue Bill (B2-2023) (NCOP)

3. Consideration and adoption of Draft Committee Minutes of the meeting held on 24 April 2023

4. Resolutions/Actions

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SC Finance, Economic Opportunities and Tourism

1. Welcome, attendance and apologies

2. Briefing by the Department of Economic Development and Tourism and Wesgro on (i) the outcomes/overview of the 2022/23 tourism season, (ii) the challenges and successes experienced, and (iii) their work in terms of Remote Working Visas

3. Briefing by ACSA on (i) the successes and challenges experienced during the 2022/23 tourism season, (ii) an update on the expansion plans for the Cape Town International Airport, and (iii) their work with the Border Management Authority in terms of managing visa compliance

