Questions and Replies

The right of Members to put questions to Ministers is an important part of ensuring the executive authority’s accountability to the Provincial Parliament. Questions may be put to Ministers related to their spheres of responsibility. Replies to questions are either given orally in the House or in writing. The replies to oral questions are recorded in Hansard.

On this page you can search questions for written reply. Use one or more of the search fields by making a selection from the relevant dropdown menu. You can also do a text search by entering a search term in the text field– specific search terms will render a better result. Click ‘Apply’. The results will be displayed in the table below. Click on ‘Question Link’ to view the full result. When you are searching, it is advisable to complete as many of the search fields as possible in order to narrow down the results.

Question Question Number Date Question Link
  1. Whether any plans have been put in place to stop official SAPS firearms from being stolen; if so, what are the relevant details;
  2. how many firearms stolen from the police have been recovered in 2023
  3. whether any of the recovered firearms have been connected to criminal activity; if so, what are the relevant details?
6 26 January 2024 16787

(a)    What are the details of the public land that has been sold in (i) 2014, (ii) 2015, (iii) 2016, (iv) 2017, (v) 2018, (vi) 2019, (vii) 2020, (viii) 2021, (ix) 2022 and (x) 2023 to (aa) foreign nationals and (bb) foreign-owned companies, (b) from which country are the foreign nationals and companies and (c) for how much was each piece of public land sold for?

4 26 January 2024 16786

With regard to the construction of the Sir Lowry’s Pass High School and the termination of the contact with the contractor:

  1. (a)(i) What was the motivation for the termination of this contract and (ii) who motivates for the termination of such contracts and (b) what process was followed to arrive at the decision to terminate the contract;
  2. Whether conflict of interest and/or internal bias was considered; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details;
  3. whether there was any motivation from an independent inspector or assessor that was utilised in making the decision to terminate the contract; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details;
  4. whether the termination was the only fair action to remedy the construction challenges; if so, what are the relevant details;
  5. what is the number of people who worked for this contractor on this contract who have lost their jobs and source of income as a result of the termination of the contract;
  6. (a) what is the detailed account of the decision-making process followed to decide on the termination of the contract, (b) what steps were taken to consider and address the discrepancy between the structural engineering plans and architectural plans, (c) what was the role of his Department in addressing these issues and (d) what was the justification for prosecuting this contractor for any and all construction challenges?
3 26 January 2024 16785

(1)     (a) How many learners are enrolled at the Elim MOR Primary School at the latest date for which information is available, (b) how many of these learners are transported to school by minibus taxis and (c) who pays for these minibus taxis;

(2)     whether there are any rules or regulation for the minibus taxis relating to the (a) time of arrival at the school, (b) waiting time at pickup points and (c) speed at which they travel; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details;

(3)     how many learners from Baardskeerdersbos are transported to school by minibus taxi;

(4)     whether a record is kept of how often learners who are transported by minibus taxi are late or absent from school; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details;

(5)     what are the details of absenteeism for learners from Baardskeerdersbos;

(6)     whether any learners from Baardskeerdersbos were absent from school on 17 November 2023; if so, (a) why were they absent, (b) did any of these learners miss any tests on 17 November 2023 and (c) how often have these learners been late or absent in the last six months;

(7)     whether there are any shelters for learners at the pickup points in Baardskeerdersbos; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details?

2 26 January 2024 16784


(1)     When does the lease agreement between the Wesley Methodist Church in Salt River and his Department end for the property on which the Wesley Practising School is operating;

(2)     whether the lease agreement will be renewed; if so, what are the relevant details; if not;

(3)     whether it will be up for sale to his Department; if so,

(4)     whether his Department will purchase the property; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details?

1 26 January 2024 16783
  1. Whether there is a map overlay of the Western Cape showing when last the natural veld burned; if so, how can it be accessed;
  2. what is his Department’s policy on the deliberate burning of certain areas from ecological and risk-mitigation points of view? 
6 1 December 2023 16736

(a)  What are the conditions that apply to the distribution of drought relief funds in instances where farmers are assisted through disaster funds allocated by the national Department of Agriculture, (b)(i) which role players are used and/or consulted in the distribution of drought relief to livestock farmers and (ii) how transparent is the allocation process and (c) to what extent does the (i) number and (ii) type of (aa) livestock and/or (bb) farms play a role in the determination of relief allocated to individual farmers?

5 1 December 2023 16735
  1.  How many of the productive farms in the Western Cape are registered in the names of (i) individuals, (ii) companies and (iii) other entities, including the government, (b) on what dataset is the estimation of the figures above based and (c)(i) to what extent are farm-ownership patterns changing and (ii) what are the reasons for this?
4 1 December 2023 16734

With regard to port surcharges levied by shipping lines for shipments to the Port of Cape Town:

  1. (i) How are such surcharges calculated and (ii) what is the reasoning behind shipping lines adding surcharges, (b) what impact does this have on the Port of Cape Town in terms of (i) being a port of preference for shipping lines and (ii) the volume of twenty-foot equivalent unit containers received and (c)(i) what steps need to be taken to avoid such surcharges and (ii) what is the origin of the shipments that are principally affected by surcharges?
3 1 December 2023 16732

With regard to port surcharges levied by shipping lines for shipments to the Port of Cape Town:

  1. (i) How are such surcharges calculated and (ii) what is the reasoning behind shipping lines adding surcharges, (b) what impact does this have on the Port of Cape Town in terms of (i) being a port of preference for shipping lines and (ii) the volume of twenty-foot equivalent unit containers received and (c)(i) what steps need to be taken to avoid such surcharges and (ii) what is the origin of the shipments that are principally affected by surcharges?
3 1 December 2023 16733

