Questions and Replies

The right of Members to put questions to Ministers is an important part of ensuring the executive authority’s accountability to the Provincial Parliament. Questions may be put to Ministers related to their spheres of responsibility. Replies to questions are either given orally in the House or in writing. The replies to oral questions are recorded in Hansard.

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Question Question Number Date Question Link

                                                With regard to learner placement for the 2024 academic year:

                          (1)     What is the detailed breakdown of learner placement per (a) school and (b) education district as at the latest date for which information is available;

                          (2)     whether raw data and a detailed list of all unsuccessful applicants per (a) school and (b) education district can be made available as at the latest date for which information is available;

                        (3)     (a) what are the hotspot areas for unplaced learners in the province as at the latest date for which information is available, (b) what is the number of learners who have successfully been placed at schools and (c) how many were still on the waiting list as at 6 February 2024;

                         (4)     with regard to those learners who applied on time and correctly but were rejected by all the schools they applied to, can you provide the following details: what is the (a) number of these learners and (b) detailed breakdown of the (i) race and (ii) grade of these learners,                     and  (iii) schools where these learners were rejected?

12 9 February 2024 17021

With regard to the temporary closure of nature reserves or sections of nature reserves to the public:

  1. (a) At what management level in CapeNature are decisions made to close nature reserves temporarily and (b) in terms of what legislation are these decisions made;
  2. whether there are objective and measurable criteria upon which such decisions are based; if so, what are the relevant details;
  3. (a) what are the reasons for the temporary closure of nature reserves to the public, (b) how are these decisions communicated and (c) to whom are the decisions communicated;

(a) to what extent are the members of the CapeNature Board informed or consulted regarding the closing or opening of public access to nature reserves or sections of nature reserves or trails in nature reserves?

2 23 February 2024 17008

1.       Mr A P van der Westhuizen to ask Dr I H Meyer, Minister of Agriculture:

In relation to extension services provided by his Department to producers:

(a)     How many (i) land-reform farms and (ii) emerging farms benefit from extension services, (b) what services does this include, (c) how does the provision of such services contribute to the commercial success of farmers in these categories, (d) what is the percentage of (i) land-reform-farm and (ii) emerging-farm projects that are commercially viable in the province receive support from his Department, (e) how does this compare with the national rate, and (f)          how many workers are employed on these commercially viable farms?

1 23 February 2024 17007

In respect of the People’s Housing and Empowerment Process:

(a)What is the (i) number and (ii) details of the People’s Housing and Empowerment Process projects that were budgeted for and completed during the (aa) fourth, (bb) fifth and (cc) sixth administration and (b) how many of these projects were (i) completed and (ii) terminated and (c) what were the reasons for the termination of projects?

14 9 February 2024 16863

In respect of the Project Management Office at his Department:

  1. (a) What are the responsibilities of the Project Management Office, (b) how many employees formed part of this office and (c) what was its total budget in the (i) 2019/20, (ii) 2020/21, (iii) 2021/22, (iv) 2022/23 and (v) 2023/24 financial year;
  2. whether there was an approved structure for the Project Management Office; if not, why not; if so, (a) in which directorate did this office operate and (b) from which programme did its funding come;
  3. (a) what are the reasons for terminating the contracts of all the employees in this office by the end of February and (b) who will assume their responsibilities?
13 9 February 2024 16862

With regard to the recent failure of the SAPS radio and dispatch systems:

  1. Whether the failure has been resolved; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details;
  2. (a) what was the duration of the failure, (b) what assistance was rendered by the Western Cape Government and municipal governments to the SAPS during the course of the failure, (c) what measures, if any, have been put in place to prevent similar failures and (d) approximately how many incidents did units of the South African Police Service fail to respond to timeously as a result of the failure?
11 9 February 2024 16861

With regard to the Port of Cape Town’s performance in January 2024:

(a)   What was the (i) average waiting time for berth utilisation and occupancy for container ships and (ii) target for the month, (b) what was the (i) average number of twenty-foot equivalent unit (TEU) containers (aa) loaded and (bb) unloaded and (ii) target for the month, (c) what was the (i) average waiting time for trucks being (aa) loaded and (bb) unloaded at the port and (ii) target for the month, (d) what was the (i) average ship turnaround time and (ii) target for the month, (e) what was the (i) average anchorage waiting time and (ii) target for the month and (f) what was the (i) average container dwell time and (ii) target for the month?

10 9 February 2024 16860

With regard to the Port of Cape Town’s performance in December 2023:

(a)   What was the (i) average waiting time for berth utilisation and occupancy for container ships and (ii) target for the month, (b) what was the (i) average number of twenty-foot equivalent unit (TEU) containers (aa) loaded and (bb) unloaded and (ii) target for the month, (c) what was the (i) average waiting time for trucks being (aa) loaded and (bb) unloaded at the port and (ii) target for the month, (d) what was the (i) average ship turnaround time and (ii) target for the month, (e) what was the (i) average anchorage waiting time and (ii) target for the month and (f) what was the (i) average container dwell time and (ii) target for the month?

9 9 February 2024 16859
  1. How many individuals are currently (a) under investigation for maliciously starting wildfires and (b) being prosecuted for arson in relation to wildfires.
  2. Whether the motive for the arson cases is known; if so, what are the relevant details?
8 9 February 2024 16858
  1. In the past year, how much money has been spent on combating wildfires in the Western Cape and (b) how many fires have been extinguished in the past year?
7 9 February 2024 16857

