UXwebhu lweMiba 2: ULandelelwano lweeNkqubo kuSuku lokuHlala kweNdlu oluQhelekileyo |
Fact Sheet 2: Sequence of proceedings during a normal sitting day |
Feiteblad 2: Volgorde van verrigtinge op 'n tipiese Sittingsdag |
Fact Sheet 15: Legislative process: national and provincial |
UXwebhu lweMiba 3: IMithetho yeMigaqo |
Fact Sheet 3: Rules of procedure |
Feiteblad 3: Prosedurereëls |
Feiteblad 15: Wetgewende proses: Nasionaal en provinsiaal |
UXwebhu lweMiba 4: UkuziPhatha kwiTsheyimba neMithetho yeNgxoxo-Mpikiswano |
Fact Sheet 4: Conduct in the Chamber and rules of debate |
Feiteblad 4: Gedrag in die Raadsaal en debatsreëls |
UXwebhu lweMiba 15: INkqubo yoWiso-mthetho: ekaZwelonke neyePhondo |
UXwebhu lweMiba 5: INkululeko yokuThetha |
Fact Sheet 5: Freedom of speech |
Feiteblad 5: Vryheid van spraak |
UXwebhu lweMiba 6: IziNqwanqwado |
Fact Sheet 6: Points of order |
Feiteblad 6: Punte van orde |
UXwebhu lweMiba 7: UMthetho weNx’engaphambili |
Fact Sheet 7: Rule of anticipation |