SC on Agriculture, Environmental Affairs and Development Planning
1. Opening and welcome
2. Briefing by the Department of Agriculture on the implementation of the Memorandum of Understanding between the Western Cape Government and the California Department of Food And Agriculture with specific reference to the benefits attained for the Western Cape to date, challenges, and interventions
3. Resolutions/Actions
4. Consideration and adoption of Draft Committee:
4.1 Minutes of 11 April 2023
4.2 Consideration and adoption of Draft Committee Annual Activity Report (2022/2023)
SC on Infrastructure
08:50 – 09:00 Opening and welcome
09:00 – 10:00 Briefing by the Theewaterskloof Municipality on:
1. The Municipality’s Housing projects that are currently being implemented;
2. The status of the outstanding/ delayed projects in Theewaterskloof region;
3. Reported and invasion per town with specific reference to:
4. The number of structures invaded on land parcels; and
5. The cost incurred per town to address land invasion.
1. Opening and welcome
2. Briefing by the NCOP Permanent Delegate and the national Department of Public Works and Infrastructure on the Expropriation Bill [B 23B-2020] (NCOP) s76 Bill
1. Opening and welcome
2. Discussion on the Public Participation Process on the Expropriation Bill [B 23B-2020] (NCOP) s76 Bill
3. Resolutions/Actions
1. Opening and welcome
2. Briefing by the Permanent Delegate and officials from the Department of Human Settlements on the object of the Housing Consumer Protection Bill (B10B 2021)
3. Discussion of the Committee Programme for the consideration of the Housing Consumer Protection Bill (B10B 2021)
4. Resolutions/Actions