

1. Opening and welcome

2.  Housing handover ceremony by Minister Simmers at the Tanshex housing Project 

3. Resolutions/Actions

Sitting of the House

Provincial Budget Day:

Introduction and

1st Reading- Western Cape Appropriation Bill [B- 2023]


Tabling of Western Cape Additional Adjustment Appropriation Bill (2022/23 Financial year), 2023

View live here:

Standing Committee on Health


  1. Briefing by the Department of Health on the Quarterly Reports of the department for the period April-June 2022, July-September 2022, and October to December 2022.  
  2. Resolutions/ Actions

View live here:

Above agenda items may be rearranged by the Committee at short notice

Standing Committee on Health


1. Deliberation on Vote 6: Health in the Schedule to the Western Cape Appropriation Bill, 2023

2. Resolutions/Actions

Click here to view live.

Above agenda items may be rearranged by the Committee at short notice Should you be unable to attend kindly forward apologies to the Procedural Officer as well as arrange for an alternate and indicate the name of the alternate at your earliest convenience.

